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WinRAR 7.10 changelog

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WinRAR 7.10 har følgende endringer:

Version 7.10

   1. "Settings/General" dialog page is split to "Settings/Interface"
      and "Settings/System" pages. Dialog navigation uses vertical tabs
      instead of horizontal.
   2. WinRAR sets the dark interface mode if "Color mode" option
      in "Settings/Interface" is set to "Dark". This option can enable
      dark and light modes unconditionally or use Windows color mode settings.

   3. "Large memory pages" option in "Settings/System" dialog and -mlp
      command line switch enable using 2 MB memory pages instead of
      default 4 KB, when allocating large memory areas in RAR archive
      format compression and extraction routines.

      It allows to improve archiving and, in some cases, extraction speed.
      Typically the performance gain is more significant for bigger
      compression dictionaries and slower compression methods.

      This feature requires "Lock pages in memory" privilege
      and if it is missing, WinRAR proposes to assign it to the current
      user account, making it available for other software too.
      Windows restart is necessary to activate the newly assigned privilege.
   4. "Zone value only" option in "Settings/Security" dialog controls
      if archive Mark of the Web propagation includes only the security zone
      value or all available fields.

      While additional fields, such as a download location or IP address,
      might help to identify a file source, they can be a privacy concern
      if file is shared with other persons.

   5. Switch -om[-|1][=list] controls Mark of the Web propagation
      in WinRAR and console RAR command line mode.

   6. Windows Vista and 32-bit Windows are not supported anymore.
      WinRAR requires Windows 7 x64 or later.

      Unlike WinRAR, 32-bit self-extracting modules are still provided
      as a part of 64-bit installation package.

   7. "Auto", "Always on" and "Disable" choices are now available
      for "Delta compression" and "Executable compression" options
      in "Advanced compression parameters" dialog.
      To improve the compression speed, "Auto" applies these options
      depending on the compression method, such as disabling them
      for "Fastest" and "Fast" methods. Use "Always on" to enable them
      for all methods.

   8. Name of environment variable to store the default set of RAR switches
      is changed from "RAR" to "RARINISWITCHES". It is rather typical
      for batch scripts to use "RAR" environment variable name to store
      RAR executable pathname, which led to the name conflict previously.

   9. "Completion message title" and "Completion message text" options
      on "Text" page of "Advanced SFX options" dialog allow to define
      a custom message displayed on the successful completion of SFX archive

      This message can also be added with "TextDone" script command.

      SFX logo and icon options are moved to the new "Logo and icon" page
      of "Advanced SFX options" dialog. Dialog navigation uses vertical tabs
      instead of horizontal.
  10. Windows 11 context menu:

      a) compression profiles in the new context menu are placed above
         extraction commands, similarly to the legacy context menu;

      b) separator lines are inserted between archive open, extraction
         and archiving command groups.

  11. When extracting a file with NTFS "Compressed" attribute,
      this attribute is assigned in the beginning of file extraction.
      Typically it reduces the extraction time compared to assigning it
      after writing the file data.

  12. When adding files to existing RAR archive, folders previously stored
      in such archive are moved to a position after newly added files.
      So folder timestamps are set after extracting all files and are not
      modified when creating files inside of these folders.

  13. Temporary file isn't created anymore for "rar ch -tl" command if other
      switches or archive parameters do not imply the archive modification.
      Modification time of newest archived file is set directly to original
      archive file, without copying the archive data. It reduces disk write
      and processing time.
  14. If archive is truncated at recovery record or quick open information
      service blocks, the additional message with truncated block type
      is displayed after the standard "Unexpected end of archive".
  15. RAR compression algorithm can use multiple Windows processor groups
      to utilize up to maximum supported 64 logical processors.
      It can improve RAR compression speed on systems with logical
      processors number exceeding 64 and not multiple of 64.

      Previously the maximum number of logical processors was limited
      to a single processor group size, such as 36 for 72 processors.

  16. Additionally to size, a percent of archive size is also displayed
      for recovery record in "Show information" command.
      For RAR 5.0 archives it is the exact value specified when creating
      the recovery record. For older RAR formats it is the approximate value
      calculated from the available data.

  17. When opening a nested archive from another archive opened in WinRAR,
      Mark of the Web data will be assigned to nested archive unless
      "Propagate Mark of the Web" option in WinRAR "Settings/Security"
      is set to "Never". Previously it was assigned only if this option
      was set to "For all files" or to "For user defined types" and list
      of user defined types included the archive extension.

      Also "For office files" and "For executable and office files" lists
      now include popular archive extensions supported by WinRAR.
      Assigning Mark of the Web data to nested archives allows to propagate
      it to files extracted from such archives, which wasn't done by default
      in previous versions.

      We are thankful to Qize Wang (ADLab of VenusTech) for bringing this
      issue to our attention.

  18. Bugs fixed:

      a) if new files have been added to existing semi-solid RAR archive
         created with -se or -s switches, such files could be damaged.
         This issue doesn't affect usual solid archives created with -s,
         also as non-solid archives;

      b) even though the long range search isn't used with -m1 "fastest"
         compression method, switches -m1 -mcl+ or -m1 -mcl with 256MB
         or larger compression dictionary still allocated memory required
         for long range search algorithm;

      c) if "Remove redundant folders from extraction path" option was on
         when extracting a file from archive subfolder, clicking on ".."
         in the file list afterwards displayed the folder with the archive
         file instead of parent folder inside of archive;

      d) if application was started from archive and created multiple files
         with monotonically growing date, WinRAR could issue archive update
         prompts for every created file instead of a single prompt.